By Michelle Hollinger
(FORT LAUDERDALE) – A Ft. Lauderdale restaurant is under fire for what appears to be racially motivated behavior regarding their credit card policy.
Joanne Melisizwe posted on Facebook recently about her experience at RockBar, a popular beachside eatery located at 219 S. Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale. In the post, she explained that she and her husband were required to provide their waitress a credit card prior to eating when they visited on Dec. 27 shortly after 10 p.m.. Assuming the request was to open a tab, Melisizwe informed the waitress they were not interested in opening a tab, to which she said the waitress responded, the practice was policy. Melisizwe said she offered to pay cash but was told she would not be served without providing a credit card in advance.
According to her post, Melisizwe, 33, said she wasn’t bothered by the request “because we assumed a lot of people were dining and dashing,” a term used to describe the practice of customers leaving a restaurant without paying for their meal. After realizing that the request was only being made of Black customers, however, Melisizwe, a caseworker with the Department of Children and Families, told The Hungry Black Man Media in a telephone interview that she was shocked, disappointed and sad. She said she’s dined at the establishment several times before over the past seven years and had never been required to leave her credit card in advance of eating.

Joanne Melisizwe dining outside of RockBar
The Facebook comments made in response to her Dec. 28 post were mixed. Some messages indicated nothing but good service at the restaurant, while others included similar complaints regarding being required to provide a credit card in advance.
During their visit, Melisizwe, 33, said her husband confirmed with a few neighboring white diners that they were not asked to provide their credit cards before being served.
Melisizwe said she shared her concerns with the manager, whom she said responded with “OK, and what do you want me to do?” The manager, “a heavy set white man” whose name she did not obtain, was “completely non-chalant,” when she pointed out the disparate treatment.
Additionally, while she and her husband were exiting the restaurant, Melisizwe said she overheard a waiter ask a Black couple if they wanted to pay with the card on hold. She said she confirmed with the couple that they too had been required to leave a credit card with their waiter prior to being served.

Rockbar Interior
The Hungry Black Man Media contacted management at RockBar, however, the manager refused to reveal his name and indicated that it was not their policy to request credit cards in advance.
The selective credit card practice is not the only racially motivated complaint expressed by RockBar customers.
Jniel Aiken, 29, said she’s had two unpleasant experiences at RockBar. About four years ago, she said her husband and a bartender argued. Although she’s not certain the incident was racist, Aiken said she’s sure an experience she and her sisters had with the restaurant in October was racially-motivated.
“We arrived around 10 p.m. and were told we could not be served because the restaurant was no longer seating guests due to the Covid inspired curfew,” Aiken shared in a telephone interview with The Hungry Black Man media.
The stay-at-home mother of two toddlers said after being refused service, she and her two sisters left for a food stand nearby and when they walked past the restaurant while returning to their car about ten minutes later, she said they saw white guests being seated at the restaurant by the same waitress that refused them service. When she and her sisters confronted the server about what they observed, she still refused to serve them.
“I’m used to racism in South Florida being more systemic. White people will be racist behind closed doors automatically. I’m shocked and disappointed to have experienced blunt racism in my face,” said Melisizwe, who added that during their visit, a “Hispanic-looking” couple seated near them that had not been required to provide a credit card in advance, “dined and dashed.”
A telephone call and email sent to Commissioner Lamar Fisher seeking comment were not immediately answered. RockBar is located in Fisher’s district.
Michelle Hollinger is the author of “Sis, You’re Worth It: Seven Ideas for Manifesting Your Best Life,” available on Amazon. She can be reached at
Thank you for writing about this! A lot of racist acts go unreported, happy this didn’t.
Thank you for this information is at one point I was interested in dining at this establishment. I will no longer support that idea. And as karma will have it I’m sure they will not be around long if this is how they treat their customers
This is true this happened to me and my husband we never went back because how they treat us it wasn’t for us
Can you share your experience?
Me personally don’t go anymore because of this same matter these incidents goes on all the time without being addressed it’s sad we as African Americans get su h treatment they also get bad service when they think we are not going to tip them when will we get treated equal smh.
Yes me and my friend Girl went here as well and they did the same thing to us but the people that was across from us they didn’t require them to place a credit card on hold so this is very ironic I see this post I thought it was just me but apparently there is more than just me
Thanks for sharing this. I will never go in there again.
Finally Finally Finally. The people have spoken.I visited Rok Bar a few years back. And PROMISED that would be my last. My cousin fell from one of their chairs. When we picked the chair up we saw that they used grey tape to put the chair together. Obviously it was previously broken. I asked for the manager. Mr Big ole fat white guy pretty much laughed at us and had one of the workers hide the chair out back. Needless to say, I was furious. I went out back , found the chair and threw it at him along with a few drinks. I will never ever go back there.
This is crazy as hell.. I too am a victim of this same type of service… not only did they take my card before serving me but they also took 30 mins before a waitress actually took my order after sitting me and my guest for service… they gave me the wrong order and they tried to fix it by taking it off of my tab instead of replacing my order… I never experienced anything like that before in that establishment but I left that place and felt violated afterwards… Roc Bar is definitely not in favor for black people
The same thing happened to me last Sunday, they took my card claiming it was for an open tab. The waitress then took the card and I never seen her again. Another guy, who I couldn’t even tell if he was an employee, came and served us. The whole time I couldn’t even enjoy my food thinking about my card. We definitely ended the night early because of it!
Omg every time me and my best friend go they will do the same so this is crazy as hell.. I Am too an victim of this same type of service… not only did they take my card before serving me but they also took 30 mins before a waitress actually took my order after sitting me and my guest for service. Then they will not bring my card back to the very end. We just never leave a tip after realizing something wasn’t right. After the 3rd time noticing what they was doing we just said we wasn’t going anymore. The food is horrible anyways we only go for the drinks
I had the SAME experience there anout 2 years ago. I was required to give my credit card also. I Thought that was there policy. WOW!!!
This was done to me a few years back, I was told by the server it was their policy. Back when it happened to me, I simply said to myself “what a bizarre policy and did not put much thoughts into it. Now that I am reading this article I realized how racist and disrespectful what they did to me, since this credit card upfront request was only applied to Blacks. I will never go there anymore and I will also share this article and my experience with all my friends. This practice is offensive and unacceptable.
I would never give anyone my credit card beforehand. That sounds very suspicious. I am part Native American. So I would never go there. When I tan hard. I look black. F them…
The credit card hold was done to me on two occasions. I thought it was a new policy but after reading the article and seeing the manager say “its not their policy”. Im in complete wow. Then the charge a high tip and you probably see your orginal waitress two times if you’re lucky .
This is sad, but people that looks like you who actually dine and dash messes it up for everyone of color. If the waiter stands around and waits for you to finish it will be a problem, if their was security checking receipts , that would be a problem. So thieves amongst us are the issue.
We were there on Sunday 5/2/21 and were tokd we needed to leave our credit card. They also added a 2% covid charge and a 15% service. We also added a tip for the waiter which meas our bill had an extra 37% added on top of the salad, 1 soda and nachos we bought. What a rip off. We had no choice but to pay because they had our credit card.
I’m nauseous reading this. Though some of these stories are years old and you’d hope with staff turnovers things have improved there (they must have fired “Mr Big ole fat white guy” by now); it’s hard to know. Please, please, please get your story of your recent experience there (or everywhere indignities occur) on any platform that could alert potential customers to make educated choices. Your stories should be on Tripadvisor or similar travel or local review message boards that tourists will consult. As sunshine is the greatest disinfectant, shine a light on bad behavior.
Recording and posting may be the best tool for discipline available.